AuSable River State Forest Campground and Canoe Camp

LAT 44.665616087700002 LONG -84.654719874400001


(8) $20

More Information

Activities (Display as List)

Fishing Item is accessible.
Fishing: Brown, brook and rainbow trout are caught on the Au Sable River. Other nearby fishing opportunities include Lake Margrethe (10 miles southwest) and Kneff Lake (eight miles southeast).
Paddlesports Item is accessible.
Paddlesports: Explore the Au Sable River from the campground.

Facilities (Display as List)

Paddle-in Campsite Item is accessible.
Paddle-in Campsite: This campground is accessible from the Au Sable River for canoe camping. There are 5 paddle-in group sites.
Rustic Site Item is accessible.
Rustic Site
Vault Toilet Item is accessible.
Vault Toilet
Walk-in Sites Item is accessible.
Walk-in Sites: There are 5 walk-in/paddle-in group sites. Parking is available near the kiosk in the campground. Follow signage to the group sites (Group camping rates apply).
Water Access Item is accessible.
Water Access: This rustic campground is located along the Au Sable River. Please be mindful of high-water safety.