CCC Bridge State Forest Campground

LAT 44.612833600400002 LONG -84.992376087500006


(31) $20

More Information

Activities (Display as List)

Fishing Item is accessible.
Fishing: Trout are caught in the Manistee River. Other nearby fishing opportunities include Cranberry Lake (5 miles northeast) and East Lake (9.5 miles northwest).
Hunting Item is accessible.
Hunting: This campground provides access to state land open to hunting. Firearm hunting is not allowed within 450 feet of an occupied dwelling. Learn more about hunting.
Off-Road Vehicle Trails/Routes Item is accessible.
Off-Road Vehicle Trails/Routes: ORVs can be ridden from your campsite to access routes. All other ORV use within the campground is prohibited. There are many miles of county roads and designated ORV trails in the area, including the Grand Traverse Motorcycle Trails (1 mile south and 63.4 miles of trail) and the Kalkaska ORV Trails and Routes (7 miles north) which offer trail access and parking for 81 miles of cycle/ATV trails and 43 miles of full-sized ORV routes.
Paddling Item is accessible.
Paddling: Explore the Manistee River from the campground.

Facilities (Display as List)

Paddle-in Campsite Item is accessible.
Paddle-in Campsite: The campground is accessible from the Manistee River for canoe/kayak camping.
Rustic Site Item is accessible.
Rustic Site
Vault Toilet Item is accessible.
Vault Toilet
Water Access Item is accessible.
Water Access: This rustic campground is located along the Manistee River. Please be mindful of high-water safety.