Bird and Other Wildlife Feeders:
- Backyard Wildlife: Feeding Birds,
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension
Describes the essentials of bird feeding for attracting birds to your backyard.
- Basic Survival Needs, Nutty
An introduction to bird essentials, including providing water and food.
- Bird feeders,
Travis Audubon Society
Lots of short articles.
- Bird
Feeding Do's and Don'ts, Bird Watchers Digest.com
Very useful tips and resources.
- Bird Pamphlets, USFWS
Migratory Bird Management Office
Good information in several pamphlets.
- Debbie's Tips for Attracting and
Feeding Hummingbirds, BirdWatchers.com
Short and sweet, but good. Includes a nectar recipe and feeder care.
- Feeding
Birds, Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Brief, but with good tips for discouraging unwanted visitors.
- Forestry and wildlife
publications, University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension
Includes at least two extensive publications about bird feeders and feeding birds.
- How
to Build a Bird Feeder, Missouri Conservation Department
Plan and instructions for a basic feeder.
- Information Categories from About.com
Some articles from their own experts mixed with links from all over.
- Keeping Feeders Clean, Wild Birds
Eight relatively easy steps to prevent or minimize problems at your feeders.
- National Bird-Feeding Society
Current information for backyard bird feeding enthusiasts.
- Non-technical Resources,
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Lots of information, useful well beyond the North Dakota border (scroll down beyond
search engine).
- North American Bird Feeding Chart,
Wild Birds Forever
Food preferences for common backyard birds.
- Suet, Baltimore Bird Club
All you wanted to know about preparing suet for birds.
- The Perils of Bird
Feeders and Other Cautionary Tales of the Wild, University of Illinois College of
Veterinary Medicine
Guidelines for ensuring that your backyard charity brings its intended benefits.
- Unpave the Way for
Hummingbirds, Journey North
Basic information on attracting and feeding hummers.
- Which Foods Do Birds Prefer at
Feeders, WindStar Wildlife Institute
Food lists for the most common backyard birds.
- Wildlife in My Backyard
- Attracting Winter Birds and Bird Feeding, Sharon David and John McLaughlin
Discusses the different methods for attracting and keeping birds around during the
fall and winter months.
- Ultimate Guide to Birdwatching, TripBuzz
An assortment of links, tools and resources for watching a variety of birds.
See Also Resource Links For:
Last Revised: May 5, 2000