Net8 Release Notes Release 3 ( ************************************************************************ Copyright (C) Oracle Corporation 2000 Contributing Authors: Pierre Baudin, David Chen, Toby Close, Harvey Eneman, Stanley Guan, Peter Povinec, Rob Shapiro, Debbie Steiner, Jose Wong, and Norman Woo This software/documentation contains proprietary information of Oracle Corporation. It is provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright law. Reverse engineering of the software is prohibited. If this software/documentation is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency of the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with Restricted Rights and the following legend is applicable: RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software (October 1988). If this software/documentation is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency not within the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with "Restricted Rights," as defined in FAR 52.227-14, Rights in Data - General, including Alternate III (June 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error free. Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, California. Net8 and Oracle8i are trademarks of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, California. All trade names referenced are the service mark, trademark, or registered trademark of the respective manufacturer. ***************************************************************************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Installation 3.0 Deprecated Parameters 4.0 Net8 Known Problems 5.0 Net8 Install Known Problems 6.0 Documentation Errata ***************************************************************************************** 1.0 Introduction ================ This README file supplements information found in the following documents: A76933-01 - Net8 Administrator's Guide, Release 8.1.6 A85457-01 - Oracle8i Documentation Addendum Net8 is the foundation of Oracle's family of networking products, providing the industry's most comprehensive, enterprise wide data access solution for the heterogeneous distributed computing environments. It enables both client/server and server/server communications across any network. Net8 offers the following benefits: Network scalability and performance Network load balancing Integrated administration with graphical configuration tools Configuration flexibility Protocol interdependence Comprehensive platform support Multiple protocol support on a single computer Comprehensive tracing and diagnostics 2.0 Installation ================= A Net8 8.1.7 listener is required for an Oracle8i 8.1.7 database. Previous versions of the listener are not supported for use with an Oracle8i 8.1.7 database. However, it is possible to use a Net8 8.1.7 listener with previous releases of the Oracle8 database. See the installation guide for your operating system for more information about client and server installations. 3.0 Obsolete and Deprecated Net8 Parameters =========================================== Oracle Corporation recommends that the following parameters not be used anymore: names.ora Parameters -------------------- The following parameters will not be recognized any more. Domain and topology checkpoint file parameters have been replaced by the NAMES.REGION_CHECKPOINT_FILE parameter. 1. NAMES.USE_PLUG_AND_PLAY 2. NAMES.DOMAIN_CHECKPOINT_FILE 3. NAMES.TOPOLOGY_CHECKPOINT_FILE Multi-Threaded Server (MTS) Parameters -------------------------------------- The following two parameters are not supported: 1. MTS_RATE_LOG_SIZE 2. MTS_RATE_SCALE The following three parameters are deprecated and may not be supported in future releases: 1. MTS_SERVICE 2. MTS_LISTENER_ADDRESS 3. MTS_MULTIPLE_LISTENERS The SERVICE and LISTENER attributes in the MTS_DISPATCHERS parameter should be used to set the service name and listener for MTS dispatchers instead. 4.0 Net8 Known Problems ======================= Directory Naming ---------------- 1. Directory naming supports the following directories: - Oracle Internet Directory - Microsoft's Active Directory - Novell Directory Services (NDS) version 8 2. Net8 directory naming is not supported by JDBC Thin Drivers. See the following URL for patch updates: Net8 Limitations ---------------- 1. Unlike Net8 release 8.0, the listener is not configured by default to allow the use of host naming. To configure the listener to allow the use of host naming, refer to Chapter 6, "Configuring Naming Methods," in the Net8 Administrator's Guide. 2. A pre-existing tnsnames.ora file may rely upon certain entries in the sqlnet.ora file, such as the NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN parameter. If tnsnames.ora file entries rely on sqlnet.ora file entries, you must use the pre-existing sqlnet.ora file. 3. The Trace Assistant does not interpret all Oracle8 and Oracle8i messages in trace files. 4. The TRCROUTE utility, which enables administrators to discover what route a connection takes from a client to a server, does not work if there is more than one hop to the server (as is the case with Oracle Connection Manager). 5. Net8 OPEN, which enables developers to applications that interface with Net8, is not being shipped in this release. 6. Oracle Connection Manager does not support the LU6.2 protocol. 7. On Solaris, SPX protocol support can be installed, but it has not not been certified by Oracle Corporation. This protocol support uses the same libraries that were used in release 8.0. 8. On Solaris, the LU6.2 protocol is not working. 9. The commands SET LOG_FILE and SET TRC_FILE enable the log and trace files, respectively, to which the listener program writes, to be modified dynamically while the listener program is running. The listener program can be configured to append and/or overwrite logging and tracing information to any operating system file that can be written by the Oracle owner, such as an alert file or a database file, and thereby corrupt an Oracle database and potentially introduce malicious code into the operating system. A new parameter, ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_listener_name, has been introduced into listener.ora to enable a database administrator to restrict run-time administration of the listener. Setting ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_listener_name=on prevents the vulnerability from being exploited by disabling the run-time modification of parameters in listener.ora. That is, the listener will refuse to accept SET commands that alter its parameters and attempting to issue a SET command will result in the generation of an error message. To change any of the parameters in listener.ora, including ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_listener_name itself, the listener.ora file needs to be edited manually and its parameters need to be reloaded manually (with the Listener Control utility's RELOAD command) for the new changes to take effect without explicitly stopping and restarting the listener. Operating system access to the protected Oracle account owner directories and files is required to edit listener.ora. Note that the Oracle account owner directories and files must be protected in the operating system by setting the access control permissions on them. ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_listener_name=off is the default value when the listener is installed in order to maintain current customer environments and backward compatibility. There is no change in the run-time behavior of the listener program or in syntax of the SET commands in this mode of operation. Oracle Corporation recommends establishing the listener password in this mode of operation. [Bug Reference: 1361722] 10. In this release, all Oracle Advanced Security encryption algorithms and encryption key lengths are available for use by Oracle customers worldwide. Net8 Assistant and Net8 Configuration Assistant Limitations ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. When configuring directory access with the Net8 Configuration Assistant, it is not possible to specify administrative contexts that use multi-byte characters. [Reference Bug 1102675]. 2. The Net8 Assistant does not display all entries stored in a tnsnames.ora file or in a LDAP-compliant directory server. Only entries that are net service names display. A net service names must contain a complete connect descriptor, including description, address, and connect data information. The following example shows a net service name called "sales" that contains listener address information and connection information to a database named "". This information displays in Net8 Assistant. sales= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales-server)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= ( Some entries are created by Oracle Database Configuration Assistant that only contain address information. The following example shows an entry which is not a net service name, but rather a named address. The named address of "sales" only contains listener address information. This named address does not display in Net8 Assistant, but can still be used to resolve the "sales" alias to a list of listener addresses. Named addresses are used mainly to alias non-default local listeners or remote listeners. sales= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales1-server)(PORT=1521)) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales2-server)(PORT=1521)) See Also: Chapter 7, "Configuring the Listener," in the Net8 Administrator's Guide for further information about configuring a listener that uses a non-default address. 3. The Connection Type for a database service or a net service name entry stored in a directory cannot be altered with the Net8 Assistant. The Connection Type will always be set to Database Default. [Bug Reference: 1111589] 4. Net8 Assistant displays release 8.1.6 instead of release 8.1.7 in the About Net8 Assistant dialog box in Greek and Russian languages. 5. Before deleting a listener's configuration using either Net8 Assistant or Net8 Configuration Assistant, ensure the listener is stopped. 6. In addition to deleting an Oracle Names server from the Oracle Names Servers folder in the Net8 Assistant, you must manually delete Oracle Names server entries in the names.ora files and the ckp*.ora files. 5.0 Net8 Install Known Problems =============================== The Oracle Universal Installer expects the libraries for the LU6.2 protocol to be in the /opt/SUNWappc directory. If the libraries are in a different directory, create a link from that directory to /opt/SUNWappc. For example, if the libraries are located in /opt/SUNWlu62, then a link to /opt/SUNWappc can be created with the following syntax: ln -s /opt/SUNWlu62 /opt/SUNWappc 6.0 Documentation Errata ================================================================== The Net8 Administrator's Guide contains the following undocumented features and errors: 1. The integrity and encryption algorithms values for the following sqlnet.ora file parameters reflect release 8.1.6 functionality: SQLNET_CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_TYPE_SERVER SQLNET_CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_TYPE_CLIENT SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_SERVER SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_CLIENT See Also: Oracle Advanced Administrator's Guide for release 8.1.7 changes to these parameters. 3. Oracle Connection Manager's remote administration feature is not comprehensively described. Remote administration enables a remote CMCTL session to control an Oracle Connection Manager that resides on another computer. Remote access configuration is required on both the Oracle Connection Manager computer that you want to administer and the remote computer that you plan to run CMCTL. To configure remote access to a local computer that runs Oracle Connection Manager: a. Configure a cman.ora file with the following parameters: CMAN - Specifies listening addresses for the Oracle Connection Manager gateway process, CMGW CMAN_ADMIN - Specifies listening addresses for the Oracle Connection Manager administrative process, CMADMIN CMAN_PROFILE - Specifies parameter specific to the Oracle Connection Manager. In particular, REMOTE_ADMIN=yes must be set to allow a remote CMCTL session access. A sample cman.ora file follows: cman=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sun1)(PORT=1630)) CMAN_ADMIN=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sun1)(PORT=1830)) CMAN_PROFILE= (PARAMETER_LIST= (REMOTE_ADMIN=yes) ... ) See Appendix C, "Configuration Parameters," in the Net8 Administrator's Guide for complete descriptions of these parameters. b. Start the CMGW process. From the operating system, enter either of the following commands: CMCTL START cm CMCTL START [cman] To configure another computer to administer Oracle Connection Manager remotely: a. Ensure Oracle Connection Manager is installed. b. Configure a cman.ora file with the same values for the CMAN and CMAN_ADMIN parameters as you did for local Oracle Connection Manager computer. CMAN=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sun1)(PORT=1630)) CMAN_ADMIN=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sun1)(PORT=1830)) You can use any of the CMCTL commands, except START commands, to remotely administer Oracle Connection Manager. See Appendix A, "Control Utilities," in the Net8 Administrator's Guide for a description of the commands available with CMCTL. 4. The ENVS parameter is not described. The ENVS parameter enables you to specify environment variables in the SID_DESC section of the listener.ora file. For example: SID_LIST_listener_name= (SID_LIST= (SID_DESC= (SID_NAME=plsextproc) (ORACLE_HOME=/oracle81) (PROGRAM=extproc))) (ENVS=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sw0/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/lib:/sw0/a pp/oracle/product/8.1.7/ctx/lib))) In release 8.1, the value for environment variables must not be enclosed in single quotes, for example, (ENVS='VISUAL=vi'). Single quotes were supported in release 8.0. If migrating from release 8.0 to release 8.1, use either double quotes or no quotes. Multiple environment variables must be separated by commas. For Windows NT, the ENVS parameter is not supported in this release. Any process spawned by the listener will simply inherit the listener's environment. The ENVS setting in the listener.ora file is ignored. [Bug Reference: 1082940] 2. Disregard the following entry in the index: NET_CONFIG_METHOD parameter, C-79