file name = _text_file_DNR_Non-discrimination_statement.txt date revised = 2016 March 09 contact = The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Wildlife Division (WLD/MS), at telephone number 517-284-9453. Important Notes for users of this text-only file and information contained: This document is part of our compliance and dedication to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for providing information online in alternate formats or alternate media which supports use of alternate methods and assistive technology in acccess to the same/ similar information as provided in formated text documents in Adobe PDF format (see for free Adobe Reader or more information on PDFs). This file is provided plain text (ASCII format text), and it is intended to allow providing a default non-formatted text option as an input to various text-to-speach utilities and/or as an input to text to Braille conversions or Braille reader hardware. On text formatting: We've done our best to provide usable information to assist readers. Obviously, formatting is different in this text-only file versus the Adobe PDDF version, and the text-only format has some limitations which result in the same information being slightly longer in this text-only format. Text is added to asssist those who are not seeing the original formatted text, and added text is contained within standard text brackets like [ and ], in the text below in this file. Spacing is used to a limited extent, primarily because it may help the organization of the information in a Braille product from this text -and- because a majority of text to speech programs will ignore the extra spaces in a series. Each visible or emphasized section in the original document is provided below but split by three dashes, like --- . The symbol asterisk or * represents a bullet on the left-most side of an item in a list, or a primary bullet point; if needed, the tilde symbol or ~ represents a sub-bullet under the primary bullet. On file formatting: The text is organized in this file in lines less than the 120 character limits in some past text to Braille conversion hardware, and we've attempted to fit text in lines less than 110-100 characters to ensure anyone with older technology (as units are expensive) can use this file, or this file should work with a wide possibility of options. Some longer internet addresses are longer than 100 characters (as trying to allow new converters to recognize a workable URL address) but are not more than 110 characters or the recommended 120 character limit. To allow confirming your coverter works with this file and/or that you are not missing any information, there is a test line provided below these notes. It is serving as a divider between these introductory text blocks and the actual document content in the Adobe PDF file. The line is the "end of header" line, which is 120 characters long (ending in a Z), with a B in that line at 110 characters, and an A at the 100 characters location. If you do not see the letter Z at the end of that line, then your option requires less than 120 characters; if not see the letter B in that line, or particularly the letter A, then you may not be seeing all the converted content in this file. After the "end of header" line just described, is the start of the ASCII text-only version of the formatted PDF. The most up-to-date version of this document is off the page at URL,4570,7-153-10363_10913-31657--,00.html and is specifically at the URL for the Adobe PDF version of: http:// the URL for the text-only version (this file) of: http:// ---(end of header).................................................................................A.........B.........Z ---(start the document contents) [The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) logo is in upper-left corner of source document, but does not convert to plain text. A hyperlink is provided to connect to the Official Michigan DNR website at ; alternate-text explains this to readers, so they can click on logo and hyperlink.] [Document header:] MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR) - [A hyperlink is provided to connect to the Official Michigan DNR website at http:// ; alternate-text explains to readers, so they can click on logo hyperlink.] [Title:] REMINDERS OF STATE LAND RULES FOR STATE WILDLIFE / GAME AREAS [An oval shape is upper-right corner of source document, but does not convert to plain text] Revised 2016 Feb. 02 [A hyperlink is provided to connect to the most up-to-date version of this document, off the page at URL,4570,7-153-10363_10913-31657--,00.html, and is specifically at the URL for the Adobe PDF version of: ; however the URL for the text-only version (this file) is at : http:// and alternate-text (alt-text) explains this to readers, so they can click on logo and hyperlink.] --- Reminders of State Land Rules for State Wildlife / Game Areas for rules appropriate for State wildlife and game areas, or State Lands other than State Parks & Recreation Areas, from Regulations of Lands Admininstered by the Michigan DNR. Authority conferred to DNR by 1994 Public Act 451 (Sec. 504), Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) 324.504. Contact DNR Offices if questions: phone 517-284-6000, or 517-284-9453 for the DNR Wildlife Division. DNR Report-All-Poaching hotline is 800-292-7800. [Within this text is several hyperlinks allowing connecting the text in quotes to specific sources of: * "State wildlife and game areas" links to,4570,7-153-10363_10913-31657--,00.html - where alt-text explains "Click on the hyperlink to connect to the official Michigan DNR website portion for State Wildlife and Game Areas, with specific detailed information, etc." ; * "State Parks & Recreation Areas" links to - where alt-text explains that "Click on the hyperlink to connect to the official Michigan DNR website portion for State Parks and Recreation Areas, with specific information, unique rules and regulations, etc." ; * "Regulations of Lands Admininstered by the Michigan DNR" links to - where the alt-text explains that "Click on the hyperlink to connect to the official Michigan DNR website portion with links to all laws, legislation, rules and regulations." ; * "1994 Public Act 451 (Sec. 504), Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) 324.504" links to - where alt-text explains that "Click on the hyperlink to connect to the official Michigan DNR website portion with links to all laws, legislation, rules and regulations" ; * "DNR Offices" links to - where alt-text explains that "Click on hyperlink to connect to the Official Michigan DNR website at" ; * "DNR Report-All-Poaching" links to - where alt-text explains that "Click on hyperlink to connect to the Official Michigan DNR website Report-All-Poaching (RAP) information at". ] --- [The next section is emphasized, due to it's importance to all readers:] NOTE: It is your responsibility to be informed of all current rules and regulations. This document is a guide and not to be used as complete legal notice or collection of all rules, regulations and laws. Complete listings of official legal regulations and language are available on the DNR website at Contact the DNR with any questions and to verify regulations. [The text above, starting with "Note" is provided in a block emphasizing the information for readers, due to the importance and explanation of the document purposes. Similar to the introductory text, above, there are links connecting the DNR website, DNR Offices, etc. to those same locations as just provided in the section above; these are not duplicated here, to try and keep the text-only file shorter and a managable size plus because repeated from above.] [To the far right of the text block, is a graphic QR-code block which doesn't convert to text-only but which represents a graphical and scannable link method to reach the PDF version of the one page document, and is discussed below. The QR-code block represents (in QR-codeing standards) the webpage, and is also hyperlinked so clickable too, to the specific URL of: the URL for the text-only version (this file) of: http:// --- [The next section provides option in case cannot read the document or need in alternate formats.] For larger print and links scan the QR-block at far right with a smart phone/device. Multi-page version has more details; plain text version imports to Braille /ADA. [In the text above, there are hyperlinks allowing connecting the text in quotes to the specific sources of: * "digital version" and the QR-code block picture, both link to http:// and alt-text explains this connection to the latest version ; * "multi-page version" links to http:// - with alt-text explaining that "Click on the hyperlink for the multi-page version of this 1-page information; multipage version has additional details to help user/readers" ; * "plain text version" links to http:// - with alt-text explaining that "Click on the hyperlink for the ASCII-format plain-text version of this 1-page information, which contains the same information in a variation format to allow providing details and being ADA compliant for those who cannot read the Adobe-format PDF file, and as an input file option for default type for text-to-speech readers or for text to Braile covervesions". ] [The QR-code block is on far-right of this text, but that graphic does not convert to plan text; however, it is hyperlinked to the Adobe PDF version of this 1-page, excactly like details provided earlier. The QR-code block hyperlinks to the standard-back page as PDF format file, so readers with a paper copy can access the most updated version if they are using a paper document with the QR-code block. You can duplicate the exact same access as using the QR-code block, by using the appropriate URL address provided above in the three bullet list before this text block, directly above in this section.] --- [a bold line divides the page horizontally and emphasizes the start of the header for rules.] RULES below are grouped by similar subject and simplified from exact legal wordings; access all rules, regulations, and laws at It is unlawful to do the following activities on State lands owned or controlled and posted by DNR, etc.; penalties can vary & can be severe: [The text "penalties can vary & be severe" is hyperlinked to a URL and has alt-text explaining that "Click on the hyperlink to connect to the official Michigan DNR website portion with links to all laws, legislation, rules and regulations where various penalties, fines and punishments are discussed under specific rules - PENALTIES FOR VIOLATONS, come primarily from R299.929-299.932, Rule 29-32; MCL324.504, MCL324.3115, MCL324.82101: Courts can take Civil &/or Criminal actions, misdemeanor to felony levels. Penalties can include: your own legal fees plus State’s legal expenses; losing all camping, hunting &/or fishing rights for a year to a lifetime-ban; Civil fines of $2,500-$25,000 and/or Criminal fines of $2,500-$5,000,000 and up to 5 years imprisonment, per each charged violation, depending on number and type of violations, severity, past history, premeditation, risk to public health/safety, etc. Persons Exempt from Rules: DNR employees acting in the line of duty or work (R299.930, Rule 30), and those persons doing DNR approved activities with appropriate DNR permission or permit."] [a bold line divides the page horizontally and emphasizes the end of the header for rules. Below this line, there are two collumns of blocks of text, with a bold-text title leading each block. In the Above PDF version, the blocks are roughly organized left-to-right, top-to-bottom, with the upper blocks in to two collumns being ~more important or expected more-common interest versus blocks at the bottom (lower in the two collumns) which are more specific to situations or may be less-often referenced. In this file the same exact text is provided, yet cannot present in same collumns, the top-most blocks immediately following this explaination, are those being more important or expected of more-common interest versus blocks at the bottom (lower in this file) which are more specific to situations or may be less-often referenced.] --- Posted, Signs and Designated Areas: “Posted” or "properly signed on the ground" means signs posted by DNR, providing reasonable notice of location, boundary, trail, route, area, rule or warning, particular use or activity. “Signs” include signs, markers, notices, posters or other formats of information for the public. "Designated" means listed in official documents, and then signed or posted designating the use. “Permit” or "proper written permission" means DNR-issued written permit or permission for a specific activity. Persons exempt from rules are DNR employees doing work. * Unlawful to enter, use, or occupy State lands for any purpose, when the area is posted against entry “Do NOT Enter”, against use or occupancy, etc. Obey all posted signs or notices. * Unlawful tomove, remove, destroy, or deface signs of DNR or other State agencies. * Unlawful to post any signs, handbills, paint or otherwise mark any State resources, like trees, rocks, features, lands, waters, structures, property, etc. This is vandalism and destruction of property. * Unlawful to store or leave any items for more than 24 hours, on any State land - except lawful blinds/stands (see Hunting rules) and lawfully used camp sites (see Camping rules). --- Access, Parking, and Motor Vehicle Related: “Motorized vehicle” means any device which can transport person(s) or property using an energy source (fuel, gasoline) other than wind or muscle-power; a bicycle is muscle-powered. "Off-Road Vehicle (ORV)" means a recreational motor-vehicle capable of cross-country use without a road or trail, over natural terrain (land, snow, ice, marsh, swampland, water, etc.), which includes: typical “all-terrain vehicle” (ATV); motor-bike, motor-cycle; any number of wheels or tracked; multi-drive wheels; amphibious or air-cushion vehicle; or any other motor vehicle transport - but excluding: law enforcement, emergency, fire or military vehicles; registered snowmobile or aircraft; farming, construction or logging vehicles when used in those named functions. “Personal Assistive Mobility Device” (PAMD) means a wheelchair or any device designed solely for personal movement of a person with a mobility impairment, and considered an extension of that person which they can use anywhere foot travel is allowed - and not considered a vehicle. * Unlawful to obstruct or hinder public access to any road, trail, parking, path or open State lands. * Unlawful to park any type of vehicle in areas posted as “no parking”, or “no vehicles”; * Unlawful to park any vehicle outside of designated areas. * A “Michigan Recreation Passport” may be required to access or park in some areas. * Unlawful to park any vehicle in a designated campsite, or otherwise unlawfully occupy a campsite. * Unlawful to park any wheeled motorized vehicle more than 50 feet from the traveled portion of a road, forest road, trail open to wheeled vehicles, or parking lot. * A properly-registered vehicle can be on a forest road which is not posted “no entry” or closed. "Forest road" means a hard-surfaced, gravel or dirt road, or other route capable of travel by a conventional 2-wheel drive 4-wheeled vehicle designated for regular roads, interstate, state, or county highways; “Trail”means a 1-track way for a vehicle less than 50 inches wide. * Unlawful to operate any vehicle including a snowmobile and a bicycle, on anything except a designated “open to the public” road, trail, parking lot, lands, etc., or in an area posted by DNR as open to such vehicle use. Do NOT bypass closed gates with vehicle. * Unlawful to use, operate, or possess a vehicle on a designated State pathway; “pathway” or path means a narrow recreational trail for people and motor vehicle use prohibited * ORV or ATV users should read the many detailed and specific ORV rules (MCL324.81133). * Unlawful to store or leave any property (ORV trailer, etc.) for more than 24 hours, on any State land - except lawful blinds/stands (see Hunting rules) and lawful camp sites (see Camping rules). * Unlawful to disturb a forest road with any device disturbing surface deeper than 2 inches. --- Rules for Fire, Trash, Alcohol, and Glass: * Unlawful to use or ignite fireworks. * Unlawful to set fire to contents of trash container or place, bury, or burn trash of any kind. * Unlawful to start or build a fire of any kind, except in stove or grill provided by DNR. * Unlawful to litter or leave trash in areas; use provided trash containers or take your trash with you. * Unlawful to dispose of animal carcass or other remains on State land. * Unlawful to dispose of trash (or garbage, refuse, rubbish, etc.) which is not from State land use, into containers provided on State lands. Could include pet/dog feces (see LUOD, Chapt2, Sec.2.108). * Unlawful to possess alcoholic beverages, except if posted as allowed; “Alcoholic beverage” means any substance containing one-half percent or more of alcohol by volume. Exceptions are over-the-counter and prescription medications. * Unlawful to possess glass or any type of glass container, either whole or partially glass, within any areas posted for recreational use for beach, bathing, swimming, wading, or posted “no glass”. --- Do Not Interrupt Public Land Use -or- Unfairly Use Public Resources: * Unlawful to hold an event without appropriate DNR permit(s). "Event" means a single, structured, organized, consolidated, scheduled meeting or occurrence, on State land, which may have a fee/ donation required for participation or attending and/or involves more than 20 persons. Examples: races, contests, tournaments, rides, GPS events, scavenger hunts, etc. Note: this excludes licensed and/or DNR offered managed or special hunts, and lawful group/ party hunts. * Unlawful to be excessively loud, like using a loudspeaker, sound-amplifying equipment, or any device (motor, radio, TV, generator, etc.); for all noisy devices, quiet hours are 10pm-8am. Exceptions: lawful hunting and trapping, and DNR approved game-calling devices when hunting. * Unlawful to engage in disorderly conduct or disruptive behavior, violent, abusive, loud, boisterous, vulgar, lewd, bullying, or otherwise unlawful and illegal personal-behavior in public. * Unlawful to use State land or resources for any commercial operation, without an appropriate DNR permit; "Commercial operation" is any activity involving, directly or indirectly, an attempt-to-offer or an exchange like buying and selling or barter of anything of value, goods or services, etc. * Unlawful to beg, peddle, or solicit business of any kind. Unlawful to distribute or post any handbills or advertising materials, signs, vandalize, paint or otherwise mark any State land or resources. * Unlawful to place, construct or occupy any structure, fence or barrier, or modify or enclose State lands or resources, unlawful trespass, etc. – exception is lawful blinds/stands (see Hunting rules). * Unlawful to destroy, damage, or remove any State resources like animals, trees, shrubs, wildflowers, grasses, other vegetation, etc. - except in DNR approved plots. Exceptions: lawful personal take of mushrooms, berries, edible fruits or nuts for personal use (to 25 lbs.) allowed by DNR or with DNR permit. All animal take or harvest is DNR licensed. * Unlawful to remove more than 25 pounds total weight per individual per year (and must be for an individual personal or non-commercial hobby), of any rock, mineral specimen (exclusive of rules for gold bearing material), sand or topsoil, invertebrate fossil, or other resources from State land. --- Boating Related: “PAS” means Public Access Sites and Harbors. “Vessel” or “water craft” means every type of device (craft, ship, boat, raft, canoe, etc.) used for transportation on water. * Unlawful to enter, use, or occupy any areas between 11pm–4am daily - where specifically posted as closed during those hours. Reaching some PAS requires a recreation passport to enter, park. * Unlawful to enter certain specifically named State areas, PAS, harbors, dams, etc. which are posted closed or no entry (even walk-in), no entry with vehicles, or only enter with a recreation passport. * Unlawful to block access to boat launch/ ramp, PAS, except while launching or retrieving a vessel. * Unlawful to operate motor above idle speed, at DNR launch/ ramp, unless propeller disengaged. * Unlawful tomoor or raft off a State dock or PAS, without having paid appropriate dock fees. * Unlawful to swim, wade, or bathe, where such activities are specifically posted as prohibited. * Unlawful to camp (on the ground) in PAS, except in designated campsites; see Camping rules. * Camping related rules DO apply to vessels when anchored, tied, or moored in State waters or waters immediately offshore of State lands, within 10 pm to 8 am or when persons sleeping. * Beware of water ditches and ditch/dike areas which may have unexpected deep water and which poses a drowning risk. Beware of thin ice areas. * Unlawful to store or leave any property (items like trailers, boats, fish shanty, trailer, supplies or containers, etc.) for more than 24 hours – except lawful blinds/stands (see Hunting rules), lawfully used camp sites (see Camping rules), or lawfully set ice shacks. * See additional special rules for unique boating-related situations (unattended vessels, etc.). --- Camping Related: "Camp" means: set-up/ place and occupy a tent, tent-type camper, travel or house trailer; sleeping in any type of vehicle or water vessels moored off State land, or sleeping in any other manner. “Dispersed camping” is special by-permit camping away from a designated camp site, with special rules (not all listed here). “Quiet hours” are between 10 pmto 8 am. * Unlawful to camp outside of designated campground areas or sites on any type of State land. * Unlawful to camp inappropriately or in prohibited areas (like in veg. buffers on natural rivers, etc.). * Unlawful to camp in a designated parking area, except those posted to allow camping. * Unlawful to camp in State wildlife and game areas, between May 15 to Sept. 10, except in specific designated and signed camping sites noted as approved for use between those dates. In designated campsites, follow DNR directions and requirements, rules for fires, etc., and: * Unlawful to occupy designated camping sites, or use a site for extra parking space, if not permittee. * Unlawful to register a campsite by a person under 18 years of age;must be an adult, one per camp. * Unlawful to have all persons in one site location or in camp at one time, under 18 years of age. * Unlawful to have more than 1 enclosed self-contained camping unit on a single camp site. * Unlawful to camp on a site with more than 6 persons (except maybe a “family”; see detailed rules). * Unlawful to leave a campsite unoccupied for more than 24-hours after establishing camp; A site is occupied if 1 member of those camping at site is in site during nighttime of 10pm-8am. * Unlawful to use a camp site as a permanent or semi-permanent residence. Unlawful to camp more than 15 consecutive nights in a year in any camp site. A new camp means the new location is more than 1 mile from the previous site. * Unlawful to store or leave any property (items, trailer, etc.) for more than 24 hours, on any State land – except lawful blinds/stands (see Hunting rules) and lawfully used camp sites. --- Hunting Related: “Public Hunting” means public use for hunting with all appropriate required licenses, in correct season, safety conditions, etc. There are many detailed specific rules for hunting. * “Safety Zone” are all areas within 150 yards (450 feet) from any structure which could be occupied by a person, wherein there is no discharge of a firearm, and has no hunting - except under specific special permissions or special conditions (indoor range), etc. * Note: You may retrieve legal game from Safety Zones. * Unlawful to store or leave any property (items) for more than 24 hours, on any State land - except lawful ground blinds and tree stands meeting DNR requirements (labelled with owner’s name, no screw-in steps, etc.), and lawfully occupied designated camp sites (see Camping rules). --- Target Shooting: Target shoot in appropriate areas. State shooting ranges have specific rules. * Unlawful to target shoot at anything except paper, cardboard, clay, or one created for target shooting. * Unlawful to target shoot at an explosive or incendiary object, or fireworks. Use all weapons safely! --- Rules for Dogs, Pets, Horses and Riding Animals, etc.: * Obey all signs for pets. * Identified service animals (leader dogs for blind, etc.) are not “pets” but legal accommodations. * There are special use areas and rules for hunting with dogs, dog training, or dog field trial areas. * Unlawful to possess a dog or other pet animal, except if they are under your immediate control on a leash of 6 feet or less, in a DNR designated recreational day-use areas. * Unlawful to ride or lead a horse, saddled or pack animal, other riding animal, or any animal- driven vehicle on any State land, except on: roads open to motor vehicles; on DNR designated horse/animal trails or bridle paths; in designated campgrounds for animal use; and/or on any State forest land not posted closed to such use or such entry. See other equestrian rules for details. [Note: formally trained and certified leader dogs, service dogs, therapy or assistance dogs or other official serice animals are not considered regular or normal pets but are an accomodation used as part of that specific individual person's accomodations, right to public land access and activities just like the right of someone with a disability need resolved by a wheelchair; see online information at URL .] --- DNR Non-Discrimination Statement: read it online or in DNR publications. [The block header links to online version of the statement, but because of the importance, the actual statement is included here: The Michigan Department of Natural Resources provides equal opportunities for employment and access to Michigan’s natural resources. Both state and federal laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, disability, age, sex, height, weight or marital status under the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 as amended (MI PA 453 and MI PA 220, Title V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act). If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility, or if you desire additional information, please write: Human Resources, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 30028, Lansing, MI 48909-7528 or the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, Cadillac Place, Suite 3-600, 3054 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202 or the Division of Federal Assistance, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 4401 North Fairfax Drive, Mail Stop MBSP-4020, Arlington, VA 22203. For information or assistance on this publication, contact the MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, Wildlife Division, P.O. Box 30444, Lansing, MI 48909-7944, at phone 517-373-1263 -or- see the DNR on the internet at TTY/TTD (teletype writer): 711 (Michigan Relay Center). This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. (Note: this text-only ASCII formatted file represents one of the alternative formats provided) .] --- (Doc. Rev. 2016 March 09 –DNR WLD/MS & JSM) [This small text notification is in a text-box in very lower-right, and confirms last revision date of the page / information, plus the DNR Division and initials of primary contact.] [Special Note: Each specifically cited source in the text above, includes a hyperlink to the specific information yet these do not automatically convert to plain text. Specific for this file and it's potential readers, who (a.) may not be able to use the hyperlinks and (b.) because of the massive increase in this file size were each link and explanations included within the list (above) at each element with a hyperlink and alt-text block per link, then (c.) an added supplmententary information section which is not in the original Adobe PDF version, but included below to immediately help users or readers who may be visually challenged and could use a little additional facilitation.] ---(end the document contents) .................................................................................................... ---(start of summplementary information) RULES: RULES: Text below is organized by subject, simplified from the exact legal wordings, but the provided links connect to official legal text. Rules are primarily in R 299.922 to R 299.933 (Rules 21-33), with more rules in: 1994 Public Act 451 (Sections 301, 401, 504, 99919 to 99921; as amended MCL 324.301, 324.401, 324.504, 324.99919 to 324.99921); MCL299.13; Executive Orders (EO) 1991-22, EO 2009-45, and EO 2011-1; State Administrative Code (R 257.601 to R 324.1410); the Wildlife Conservation Order (WCO); Boating and Off-Road Vehicle Laws; and more. Links to the various cited sources (above and in text below) are all off the DNR webpage at URL of . The “Michigan Recreation Passport” (R 324.91-R 324.93) is needed for some areas ; information on the passport (replacing the past "State Park pass") is found online at the DNR webpage URL of An asterisk symbol or * is being used as a major / primary bullet, with the tilde symbol or ~ being used as a sub-bullet. --- * Definitions of some important terms used below (in this rules document): “Alcoholic beverage” means any liquid or substances containing 0.5% or more alcohol by volume, except over-the-counter and prescription medications. “ATV” is below, before “ORV”. "Camp" means any of: erection a tent; opening or setting up tent-type camper; parking and occupancy of travel or house trailer; sleeping in any type of motor vehicle, sleeping bag, or sleeping in any other manner between 10 pm - 8 am; and includes sleeping in anchored, tied, or moored vessel (defined below) in waters immediately offshore of State lands after 10 pm. "Commercial operations" means any activity that involves, directly or indirectly, an exchange like buying or selling (for money or barter) of goods, services or anything of value, or the exchange or attempt-to-offer such exchange. “Department” or DNR means the DNR Director and/or appropriate designee(s). "Day-use area" means a specific area of State land for public recreation use (like picnics, playground, swimming, organized meetings, social gatherings, educational displays or exhibits, etc.), which has a 450-foot buffer safety zone (defined below) around the area, including all buildings and the 450-foot buffer safety zone around those buildings, and any area of State land designated or posted as "day-use area," either temporary or permanent basis. "Designated" means listed in a DNR director's order, natural resources commission (NRC) documentation or WCO, posted with sign at site, or reasonably identified to the public as being for a particular use. <”Designated area”, “designated route”, and “designated trail” are assumed understood, if the term “designated” is defined. “Designated campsite” is understood after both terms are defined, and therefore, “designated group campsite” should be understood. The single-page document and this longer document are limited on space; source citation links are also provided, in case readers need additional help.> “Dispersed camping” is special by-permit camping away from a designated camp site. "Event" means a single, structured, organized, consolidated, scheduled meeting or occurrence, which is on State lands, and which may have a fee/ donation required for participation or attending and/or has more than 20 persons involved. ”Fireworks” means any device as defined in 2011 PA 256, Sec. 2, MCL28.452; defined where rule is stated, below, in “General Rules”. "Forest road" means a hard-surfaced, gravel or dirt road, or another route capable of travel by a 2- wheel drive 4-wheeled conventional vehicle designated for highway use; this term doesn’t include interstate, state, or county highways; “trail” means a 1-track path/way capable of travel by a 2- to 4-wheel vehicle of less than 50 inches wide; “pathway” means a narrow recreational trail designated for non-motorized use (except PAMD). “Motor vehicle” or “motorized vehicle” or mean every device possible which can transport person(s) or property, propelled by an energy source (gasoline, fuel) other than muscle-power or wind (a bicycle is muscle-powered). “Wheeled motorized vehicle” means a motor vehicle propelled by wheels in contact with ground (substrate) supporting the vehicle. “ATV” means an off-road, all-terrain motor-vehicle designed with 3 or more wheels, low-pressure tires, seats to be straddled by riders, and 50cc - 1,000cc engine (or equivalent) powered by an energy source. "ORV" means an off-road recreational motor-vehicle capable of cross-country travel without using a road/trail, on or immediately over terrain (land, snow, ice, marsh, swampland, or other natural terrain), and includes, but is not limited to: multitrack 3-wheel drive or low pressure tire vehicle; motorcycle, or related 2-wheel or 3-wheel vehicles (like ATV); amphibious machine; ground-effect air-cushion vehicle; or other transportation moving using an energy source. "ORV" does not include: registered snowmobile; farm vehicle being used for farming; vehicles for military, fire, emergency, or law enforcement purposes; construction or logging vehicles used in those functions; or registered aircraft. “Personal Assistive Mobility Device” (PAMD) means any device, including battery powered, designed solely for use by an individual with a mobility impairment, for personal locomotion. A person whose disability requires a wheelchair or PAMD, means the device is considered an extension of that individual, and may use such equipment anywhere foot travel is allowed. “Vessel” or “water craft” means every type of craft (boat, raft, canoe, etc.) used for transportation on water (1994 PA 451, Sec.80104, MCL324.80104). "Person" is defined in 1994 PA 451, Sec. 301, MCL324.301. “Permit” or "proper written permission" means permission by a DNR-issued written permit by appropriate designee. “Posted” or "properly signed on the ground" means signs have been posted by DNR to mark location or boundary of a designated trail, route, or area, which provides reasonable notice of information. "Public domain", “State land” or public land means all lands owned by the State, deeded under law, or controlled by DNR as delegated authority. Public Hunting means public use for hunting with all appropriate licenses (like public land licenses), safety conditions, correct seasons, etc. “Hunting Safety Zone” are all areas within 150 yards (or 450 feet) from any possible structure which could be occupied by a person, wherein there is no discharge of a weapon (gun, bows, etc.), and has no hunting except under special conditions, permissions, an indoor range, etc. “RA” means an area for recreation, including State forest campground, pathway, trail head, parking lot, etc. The “MI Recreation Passport” (R 324.91 to R 324.93) is required for some areas. The DNR Report All Poaching (RAP) hotline is 800-292-7800. Note, for reader of this document: Below in this version, there are a few special symbols or tools to help readers. A double-slash symbol “//” indicates text was moved from that spot to another block. The rule item letters in parentheses, like “(a)”, are not shown on the single-page version of these rules, before the listed rule. There are a few instances of additional text in sharp-brackets of “<” and “>” which are unable to fit in the single-page version.> --- * Do NOT do these unlawful activities, listed below, on State lands owned or controlled and posted by DNR, etc. --- * General Rules, from R 299.922, Rule 22 (items lettered a-k, n-o, w, bb, dd-ee, gg-jj), R 299.924, Rule 24 (c), R 299.928, Rule 28 (a-b),etc.: ~ (a) Do NOT enter, use, or occupy State lands for any purpose, when the area is posted against entry (Do NOT Enter), against use or occupancy, etc. ~ (b) Do NOT dispose of trash, garbage, refuse, rubbish, etc. which is not from State land use, into receptacles provided on State lands. This includes dumped gut piles, carcass or other animal remains; can include dog/pet feces (LUOD, Chapt 2, Sec. 2.108). ~ (c) Do NOT set fire to contents of trash container(s). ~ (d) Do NOT place, bury or burn garbage (described above ), regardless of its origin. ~ (e) Do NOT engage in disorderly conduct or disruptive behavior (like any violent, abusive, loud, boisterous, vulgar, lewd, or otherwise), or obstructive behavior which obstructs free passage of another person. ~ (f) Do NOT place or erect any structure, fence or barrier, construct or occupy a structure, or modify or enclose State lands - except lawful ground blinds and tree stands meeting DNR requirements. ~ (g) Do NOT move, remove, destroy, mutilate, or deface posters, notices, signs, or markers of DNR or other agencies. (h) Do NOT destroy, damage, or remove trees (like pines for personal Christmas trees), shrubs, wildflowers, grasses, or other vegetation, except in DNR approved wildlife food plots; this rule doesn’t apply to picking and removing mushrooms, berries, and edible fruits or nuts for personal use. ~ (i) Do NOT peddle or solicit business of any kind; distribute or post any handbills or other advertising materials; post signs; paint or otherwise mark any State resources (trees, rocks, features, lands, waters, structures, property, etc.). ~ (j) Do NOT possess a glass container within any State land or water areas designated as recreational use area for bathing beach, sunbathing, swimming, or wading. ~ (k) Do NOT obstruct any road or trail, or hinder public access to open State lands. // ~ (n) Do NOT hold events (like races, contests, tournaments, trail rides, GPS geocache events, scavenger hunts, etc.) unless event has a DNR permit; such permit may include a charge for use of land, or to cover damages, trash handling, etc.; event may require a performance bond and liability insurance; DNR may waive requirement for a permit for events with 20 or more persons participating, if DNR determines the event doesn’t require DNR oversight, and will have minimal impact on public resources and to others using the public land. ~ (o) Do NOT use a loudspeaker, public address system, or sound-amplifying equipment of any kind, except for an electronic game-calling device that is lawfully used while hunting (if in doubt, call DNR to check device), or to operate a device producing excessive noise (like motor, radio, television, generator, or any other device). Quiet hours are between 10pm-8am. // ~ (w) Do NOT store or leave any property (like watercraft, fish shanty, trailer, supplies or containers, etc.) on State lands for more than 24 hours – except for lawfully occupied designated camping sites and for lawful ground blinds and tree stands meeting DNR requirements. // ~ (bb) Do NOT ride or lead a horse, pack animal, saddle animal or other riding animal, or any animal-driven vehicle on any State land, except on roads open to motor vehicles, DNR designated horse/ animal trails or bridle paths, designated campgrounds for animal use, and on any State forest land not posted closed to such use or entry. // ~ (dd) Do NOT use State land or resources for any commercial operation, unless that operation has a DNR permit; DNR may waive requirement for a permit for commercial operation if DNR determines operation will not need DNR oversight, and will have minimal impact on public resources and others using the public land. ~ (ee) Do NOT use or ignite fireworks (defined in 2011 PA 256, Sec. 2, MCL28.452). // ~ (gg) Do NOT disturb a forest road with any device disturbing surface deeper than 2 inches. ~ (hh) Do NOT remove more than 25 pounds total aggregate weight, per individual per year and for individual or non-commercial hobby, of any rock, mineral specimen (exclusive of any gold bearing material), sand or topsoil, or invertebrate fossil, from State land. ~ (ii) Do NOT target shoot at anything except paper, cardboard, clay, or commercial/ private targets made specifically for target shooting. ~ (jj) Do NOT target shoot at an explosive or incendiary object. ~ (*) Target shoot in appropriate areas; shooting ranges on State land have specific rules . ~ (*) Do NOT forget to check for hunting safety zones, when hunting, and when in those areas do not discharge any weapon . ~ (*) Rose Lake State Wildlife Area prohibits using skis Nov.01-Jan.01 . ~ (*) Check specific individually-named State areas as some have special local rules for that area . --- * Parking & Motorized Vehicle Related; R 299.922, Rule 22 (l-m, p-q), R 299.924, Rule 24 (a-b), R 299.926, Rule 26 (b-c), etc.: ~ (l) Do NOT park any type of vehicle in areas posted as no parking, or no vehicles; ~ In areas with designated parking areas, do NOT park vehicle outside of those designated areas; ~ If a vehicle is found inappropriately parked on State lands, then the vehicle’s license plate is evidence of vehicle’s owner and responsible person. ~ (m) Do NOT park any vehicle or otherwise occupy a designated campsite, except by lawful camping rules. ~ (*) Do NOT park any wheeled motorized vehicle, except PAMD, more than 50 feet from the traveled portion of a road, forest road, parking lot, or trail open to wheeled, motorized vehicle use. ~ (p)-to-(q) Do NOT use or operate any vehicle, except allowed PAMD or wheelchairs, outside of designated route, trail, area, or a forest road not otherwise posted as closed to entry or closed to motorized vehicles; a properly-registered wheeled, motorized vehicle may be operated on a forest road which is not posted “no entry” or closed to vehicles. ~ (c) Do NOT operate any vehicle, except a PAMD, including a snowmobile and bicycle, on anything except a designated open to public road, parking lot, lands, etc., or in an area posted by DNR as open to such vehicle use. ~ (b) Do NOT use, operate, or possess a wheeled motorized vehicle, except a PAMD, on a designated State forest pathway. ~ (*) If you are an ORV user, see the many detailed ORV rules (MCL324.81133) - too many to include in this limited space --- * Boating Related R 299.922, Rule 22 (w, cc), R 299.923, Rule 23 (a-e), LUOD, Chapt.2, Sec.2.103- 2.106: ~ (w) Read “General Rules” rule (w), above. ~ (cc) Do NOT operate motor of a vessel above idle speed, when at any DNR boat launch/ramp, unless the propeller is disengaged. ~ For Public Access Sites (PAS) and Harbors, R 299.923, Rule 23: ~ (a) Do NOT moor or raft off a State dock without having paid docking fees. ~ (b) Do NOT enter, use, or occupy any areas between 11 pm – 4 am daily, where such closing hours are posted; ~ (*) Do NOT swim, wade, or bathe where specifically posted as prohibited. ~ (c) Do NOT block public access to a PAS, except while launching or retrieving vessel. ~ (d) Do NOT camp in PAS, except on a posted designated campsite. ~ (e) Do NOT build a fire, except in DNR provided stove/grill. ~ (*) Do NOT enter certain PAS, harbors, dams etc. which are posted no entry, no entry with vehicles, or only enter with valid recreation passport for vehicle . ~ (*) There are special rules for unique boating-related situations like unattended vessels and trailers, trailer parking, and mooring areas on State land. --- * Camping Related, R 299.922, Rule 22 (r-v, x-z, aa, ff, etc.), R 299.926, Rule 26 (a): ~ (r) Do NOT camp outside of designated campground areas or sites on State land. ~ (s) Do NOT use a camp site as a permanent or semi-permanent residence; ~ (*) Do NOT camp more than 15 consecutive nights in a calendar year, in any designated camp areas; A new camp means location is more than 1 mile from previous site. ~ (t)-to-(u) Do NOT camp inappropriately, such as within native vegetation buffer on designated natural rivers, or similar prohibited areas. ~ (v) Do NOT leave a campsite unoccupied for more than 24-hours after establishing camp; occupied means if at least 1 member of those camping is in camp during nighttime hours. // ~ (x) Do NOT camp on 1 designated campsite with more than 6 persons (exception may be a “family”, defined in rules). ~ (y) Do NOT have all persons in camp to be under 18 years of age. ~ (z) Do NOT register a campsite by a person under 18 years of age. ~ (aa) Do NOT camp with more than 1 enclosed self-contained camping unit on 1 designated campsite. // ~ (ff) Do NOT camp in a designated parking area, except those posted to allow camping. ~ (a) Do NOT camp between May 15 - Sept.10, except in camping areas designated for those dates --- * PENALTIES FOR VIOLATONS, R 299.929 - 299.932, Rule 29-32; MCL 324.5 04, MCL 324.3115, MCL 324.82101: Courts can take civil and/or criminal actions, misdemeanor to felony levels. Penalties can include: your own legal fees plus State’s legal expenses; losing all camping, hunting and/or fishing rights for a year to lifetime-ban; Civil fines of $2,500-$25,000 and/or Criminal fines of $2,500-$5,000,000 and up to 5 years imprisonment, per each charged violation, depending on number of violations, type, severity, past history, premeditation, risk to public health/safety, etc. Persons Exempt: DNR employees acting in the line of duty or work (R 299.930, Rule 30), and those persons doing DNR approved activities with DNR permission or permit ---(end of summplementary information) ---(end-of-file)