* Indicates Study Final Reports

Study number


Study 464 Coded-wire tag and oxytetracycline marking of salmonines in the Great Lakes and tributary streams and data base management for tagged fish returns and weir and survey data.
Study 469* Investigations into, causes of, and solutions for, recent declines in survival of trout stocked in Lake Huron.
Study 482 Investigations into , causes of, and solutions for, variable survival of Chinook salmon stocked into Lake Huron.
Study 487 Performance, survival and production of steelhead strains in tributaries of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.
Study 507* Long-term suppression of brook trout reproductive success by sand bed load.
Study 508* A profile of Michigan anglers: preferences, market segments and expenditures.
Study 654 Evaluation of brown trout and steelhead competitive interactions in Hunt Creek, Michigan.
Study 665 Investigation of causes of declines in Au Sable River brown trout populations.
Study 669 Prey selection and predation rate of piscivorous fish.
Study 682 Pond rearing of juvenile lake sturgeon.
Study 692 Influence of total length and conditions at stocking on Chinook salmon survival and time at large.
Study 696 Comparison of the recreational fisheries produced by stocking of spring and fall yearling brown trout, Lake Huron.
Study 701 Decision-support tools for managing fisheries of inland lakes.
Study 702 Effects of sediment traps on Michigan river channels.
Study 703 Lakewide assessment of the contribution of natural recruitment to the chinook salmon population of Lake Huron.
Study 713 Improving fishery stock assessments in the Great Lakes.
Study 714 Managing Michigan lakes: evaluating effects of watersheds and habitat perturbation on lake resources.
Study 722 Implications of lakeshore development for fishery resources in Michigan.
Study 724 The importance of trophic interactions for salmonine fisheries of the Great Lakes.
Study 732 Factors affecting lake sturgeon recruitment: a model system for species recovery in Michigan waters of the Great Lakes.
Study 735 Evaluation of the field performance of wild and domestic brown trout strains in seven Michigan rivers.
Study 736 Response of an aquatic invertebrate community to reduced summer streamflows in a northern Michigan stream.