Michigan Department of Conservation
Research and Development Report No. 45
Institute for Fisheries Research Report No. 1707, 1965

The Sixteenth Annual Creel Census and Progress Report, Pigeon River Trout Research Station, 1964

William C. Latta

      The Pigeon River Trout Research Station, 13 miles east of Vanderbilt in Otsego County, was established in 1949 on the site of the former Pigeon River Forest Headquarters. The experimental waters of the station include seven small limestone sinks or lakes (Ford, Section 4, Hemlock, Lost, West Lost, North Twin and South Twin) and, at the time of the station’s establishment, included 4.8 miles of the Pigeon River. This portion of the Pigeon River was divided into four experimental sections (A, B, C and D), each approximately 1.2 miles long (Figure 1). In 1953, a fifth experimental section (E), of about equal length, was added at the upstream end of the controlled area, increasing the length of experimental stream to about 6 miles. The physical features of the stream sections are given in Table 1.