Huron River Assessment - 1995
Special Report 16
Elizabeth M. Hay-Chmielewski, Paul W. Seelbach, Gary E. Whelan and Douglas B. Jester Jr.

File Name Files Size Contents of file
sr16_text&tables.pdf 734 Kb Text and tables of the main document.
sr16_figuress.pdf 1,314 Kb Figures for the main document.
sr16app_p1-22.pdf 3,256 Kb Appendix 1 - Species distribution maps (pages 1-22)
sr16app_p23-52.pdf 4,166 Kb Appendix 1 - Species distribution maps (pages 23-52)
sr16app_p53-76.pdf 3,453 Kb Appendix 1 - Species distribution maps (pages 53-76)
sr16app_p77-101.pdf 3,560 Kb Appendix 1 - Species distribution maps (pages 77-101)
