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State Wildlife and Game Areas Information
Department of Natural Resources

Other Hunting/Trapping Opportunities
beyond State Wildlife and Game Areas (SWGAs):

Other Public Lands:
• DNR State Forest  and  State Parks and Recreation Areas.
• DNR State Fisheries do not have hunting or trapping opportunities.
• Federal, county and local public lands occur all over Michigan; contact the appropriate land manager to check details.

Special Program Type Areas:
Grouse Enhanced Management Sites (GEMS) - are premier grouse bird-hunting feature areas with specially prepared locations, habitat, hunter trails, and more. To date: one GEMS is on Federal Forest land, one on cooperating privately owned land, and the rest are on State lands.
• Turkey Tracts - are a newly developing feature area for turkey, like GEMs is for grouse. Current Turkey Tracts areas are subunits of: Allegan State Game Area, Flat River State Game Area, and Barry State Game Area.

Private Land Opportunities:
DNR Hunter Access Program (HAP) for select privately-owned lands and
             are primarily located in the lower peninsula and eastern upper peninsula.
DNR Commercial Forest (CF) Program are select commercial (private) owned lands and
             are primarily located in the upper peninsula and northern lower peninsula.
Select Privately-Owned Lands Open to Public Hunting [pdf] are a few parcels
             in Barry and Crawford counties, where the State has reserved public hunting rights.

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